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Everlight Electronic Co., LTD

Company Profile
With strong beliefs rooted in Trust, Innovation, Harmony, and Excellence, Everlight has always placed customer satisfaction as the top priority. In addition, constant improvements of processing, emphasis on production flexibility and productivity, and enhancement of production efficiency are how Everlight substantiates the above beliefs. ***ailed efforts include establishing a complete management support system, a precise and accurate inventory management policy, enhancing business operation efficiency and the decision making process by systemized information technology, coordinating goals and actions, and creating a business with vision and insight.

Contact Us
Company: Everlight Electronic Co., LTD
Contact: Mr. burtzhang burt
Address: Sanxiang rd.Suzhou city.Jiangsu.China
Postcode: 215000
Tel: +8613915511789
Fax: +86051268782055

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